Airports near Agrigento

Are you looking for Airports near Agrigento?

If you want to get to Agrigento by plane, the recommended airports are:

  • Catania - Fontanarossa Airport : 160km, about 2 hours drive from Agrigento;
  • Ragusa - Comiso "Pio la Torre" Airport : 115km, about 2 hours drive from Agrigento;
  • Airport of Palermo "Falcone e Borsellino": 170km, about 2 hours and 20 minutes by car from Agrigento;
  • Trapani Birgi "Vincenzo Florio" Airport: 180km, about 2 hours and 20 minutes by car from Agrigento;
  • Lampedusa and Linosa Airport (Pelagie Islands): a service of ferries daily connects Lampedusa to Porto Empedocle, a few kilometers from Agrigento.

If you are planning a trip to Agrigento to visit the Valley of the Temples, arriving by plane is the fastest solution, especially if you intend to rent a car once you arrive at the airport: find the best rates for flights and car rentals in Sicily!

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